Aidan Moesby

Weather balloons in a green scene

Between Stillness and Storm

Photograph of art installation between stillness and storm which shows two weather balloons against plants in an outdoor space.

Periodic table of emotions

Sagacity: Dundee Feels Hard Screen

Photograph of Aidan Moesby's Periodic table of emotions, on a computer screen. It is made up of a periodic table but instead of elements, each square represents an emotion.

Two people with bandage heads

Fragmenting the Codex: Connected Masks

Photograph from Fragmenting the Codex. It shows two people with their heads and faces completely covered in bandage material. In front of them a blue hammer and red string float in mid-air

Text based artwork

Fragmenting the Codex: Language Meaning

Photograph of a text-based artwork which shows a white circle with the words language of meaning/meaning of language arranged around the outside.

Periodic Table

Sagacity: Periodic Table Print

A photograph of the periodic table on a black background.

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