Back to Back Theatre

Man holding picture of chicken up to another man

Back to Back Theatre's LADY EATS APPLE, Perth International Arts Festival 2017

Photograph from Back to Back Theatre's LADY EATS APPLE depicting one performer seated holding up a picture of a chicken to another performer, who is standing on the other side of the stage to him. The word chicken is projected onto the back wall between them

A topless man, with an elephant's head


A photograph of Back to Back Theatre's GANESH VERSUS THE THIRD REICH, depicting a topless man with an elephant's head, wearing Indian trousers. He is standing on the right of the stage, behind him a stage set depicting a shadowy female figure, trees and long grass.

 A person dressed in a robot costume made out of cardboard boxes

Back to Back Theatre's THE DEMOCRATIC SET

A photograph of Back to Back Theatre's THE DEMOCRATIC SET, depicting a person a person dressed in a robot costume made out of cardboard boxes. The person is standing in the middle of a small room with wooden walls, floor and ceiling. There is a door on the lefts and the right hand side of the room, and a bright strip light on the ceiling

Six people are sitting on a bus wearing white overalls

2017 Back to Back Theatre's ODDLANDS

A photograph of Back to Back Theatre's ODDLANDS, depicting six people sitting on a bus in separate seats. All the people in the picture are wearing white overalls, and some of the people are wearing white surgical face masks which have been positioned over their heads or back to front. Three people are wearing a similar yellow wrist bangle.

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Trailer for LADY EATS APPLE. We are finite in an infinite world: the punchline of existence is how little of it we are given.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government’s Major Festivals Initiative, in association with the Confederation of Australian International Arts Festival Inc., Melbourne Festival, Adelaide Festival, Perth International Arts Festival, Carriageworks, Wiener Festwochen, and with support from the Keir Foundation and Thyne Reid Foundation.

Lady Eats Apple has been supported by Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation (Eldon and Anne Foote Trust Donor Advised Program 2016).

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