Ben Lunn

A conductor, orchestra and choir on a stage in an auditorium

Ben Lunn

A photograph depicting Ben Lunn conducting an orchestra and choir all dressed in black, on a wooden stage in an auditorium encased in wood. To the left of the stage, there is a someone stood by a grand piano, a person playing a cello and a double bass. To the centre of the stage, there is a harpist and a keyboard player. To the rear are two rows of choir singers, the first row is all female, and the row behind is all male. To the right of the stage, are two people playing woodwind instruments, and two people playing percussion. The conductor is at the front of the stage facing the orchestra and choir.

A man conducting a small orchestra in front of an audience.

Ben Lunn

A photograph depicting the back of composer Ben Lunn, conducting an orchestra playing to a small audience. four of the musicians are playing the accordion, one is playing a cello and another is playing a violin. The composer is wearing jeans and a black jumper. The setting is modern with exposed brick and granite walls. There is a candelabra in the background.

A man stood in the middle of a room conducting a small number of musicians in front of an audience.

Ben Lunn

The picture depicts Ben Lunn, stood in the middle of a room conducting a small number of musicians in front of a seated audience. Ben has his back to the audience and to the viewer. There are two singers at either side of the room. The musicians are playing a range of instruments, and are seated around the conductor. The audience are seated on small cube-shaped beanbags.

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