Casson & Friends

A man is stood on grass with his arms outstretched. There are people all around him.

The Dance WE Made by Casson & Friends

A photograph from The Dance WE Made by Casson & Friends, depicting a man with a missing lower left arm, stood on grass with his arms outstretched. There are young and older people stood all around him. Some are watching him, some are engaged in other activities. There are trees in the background.

Four people wearing similar blue tee-shirts dancing in front of a small crowd in the open air.

The Dance WE Made by Casson & Friends

A photograph from The Dance WE Made by Casson & Friends, depicting three women and a man dancing in front of a small crowd in the open air. The dancers are dressed in similar mid-blue tee-shirts, with a logo on a yellow background reading The Dance WE Made. The dancers are in the foreground of the picture, and in the background is a building with arched windows.

Three people stood in a row on a stage all making a different pose.

Night at the Theatre by Casson & Friends

A photograph from Night at the Theatre by Casson & Friends depicting three people stood in a row on a stage all making a different pose. On the right of the stage is a man wearing a brightly coloured check shirt pointing to the left, with his right arm above his head. In the middle, there is a woman in a wheelchair wearing a baseball hat. She has her right hand raised and her left hand across her chest. On the left, there is a woman wearing a yellow top leaning backwards, folding her arms in a expressive pose.

Three people on a stage, one holding a small torch as if to search for something.

Night at the Theatre by Casson & Friends

A photograph from Night at the Theatre by Casson & Friends depicting three people on a stage, the one in the middle is holding a small torch as if to search for something. The person on the left has only their body in shot. They are wearing a yellow coat. The person in the centre is wearing a baseball hat and a beige coat. The women to the left is wearing a green gilet over a yellow top. She is miming holding something that could be a torch.

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