Graeae Theatre Company

Four actors on shed roofs.

The Iron Man

A photograph from The Iron Man by Graeae Theatre Company depicting four actors in boiler suits. Two are sat on one shed roof, on on the shed, a an actor is on the roof, and another is on a ladder climbing down. The sheds are green. In the background, there is a metal torso of a huge robot.

A man suspended in the air reaching downwards.

The Garden

A photograph from The Garden by Graeae Theatre Company depicting a man suspended in the air reaching downwards. He is wearing a stripey shirt and jeans. There are trees in the background, and a pole with black fabric wrapped around it.

Several performers outdoors, positioned around a large green table in front of an audience.

The Garden

A photograph from The Garden by Graeae Theatre Company depicting several performers outdoors, positioned around a large green table in front of an audience. Four performers are suspended each from a metal arched steel frame. Two are on the green table and others are looking on. The audience is in the background, crowded around a yellow painted concrete staircase structure.

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