Hijinx Theatre

Two actors facing each other, both wearing a partial face mask.

Clare Parry-Jones and Kirsty Rosser, Flossie & Jet

A photograph of Flossie & Jet by Hijinx Theatre depicting two actors facing each other; leaning in towards each other, with their hands are touching. Both are wearing a partial face mask covering their eyes and nose, and a brown crocheted waistcoats and a hat.

Two actors sitting in front of a lake.

Clare Parry-Jones and Kirsty Rosser, Flossie & Jet

A photograph of Flossie & Jet by Hijinx Theatre depicting two actors sitting in front of a lake. The actor on the right is holding a cup and saucer, and wearing a tea towel with the words "Buckingham Palace" printed on it. The actor on the left is looking on intently. Both are wearing a partial face mask covering their eyes and nose, and a brown crocheted waistcoats and a hat.

Two performers, one has a metal bowl over their head.

Denni Dennis and Martin Vick in Snooks Brothers Aquatic

A photograph of Snooks Brothers Aquatic by Hijinx Theatre depicting two performers, one is standing behind and putting a metal bowl over the head of the other, and there are drops of water which appear to have come from the bowl. Both performers are wearing a grey dressing gown.

Two performers wearing sun visas

Denni Dennis and Martin Vick in Snooks Brothers Bank

A photograph of Snooks Brothers Bank by Hijinx Theatre depicting two performers, one is holding up the leg of the other. They both have their mouths open wide. Both are wearing sun visas, similar blue waistcoats, shirts and bow ties.

Latest Video

Trailer for the five Hijinx Pods touring from spring 2014 onwards: Snooks Brothers Bank; Snoutology for Beginners; The Waiting Room; Flossie & Jet; Snooks Brothers Aquatic.

Hijinx Pods are a collection of deliciously entertaining one-act theatre pieces, available on a pick 'n' mix basis for studio theatre, foyer, cafe, street or field.

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