Juan delGado

An isolated industrial fort like building on a flat coastal site.

Le rêve de Newton

A photograph of Le rêve de Newton by Juan delGado depicting an isolated industrial fort like building on a flat coastal site.

Swirling green and white water around a corner of stone.

Sailing Out of Grain

A photograph from Sailing Out of Grain by Juan delGado depicting swirling green and white water around a corner of stone.

White material entangled in bushes

Altered Landscapes

A black and white photograph from Altered Landscapes by Juan delGado depicting white material entangled in bushes.

A close up shot of the hand of an older person

Altered Landscapes

A black and white photograph from Altered Landscapes by Juan delGado depicting a close up shot of the hand of an older person.

A railway track with outbuildings to the left.

Altered Landscapes

A black and white photograph from Altered Landscapes by Juan delGado depicting a railway track at night, with lights in the distance. To the left are two outbuildings.

A stream running through a barren and rocky landscape with sparse vegetation.

Altered Landscapes

A black and white photograph from Altered Landscapes by Juan delGado depicting a stream running through a barren and rocky landscape with sparse vegetation.

Latest Video

Please click on the following links to visit Juan delGado's Youtube Channel and Vimeo homepage

Video: Shape Arts - Artist Talk: Juan delGado - November 2015

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