Misiconi Dance Company
Misiconi Dance Company (2013) is a contemporary dance company that integrates dancers with and without disabilities. The Company believes that integrated dance brings exceptional creative and artistic opportunities. Therefore the aim is to share these through professional performances, creative learning projects such as community work and open classes. We seek the common within different bodies and see inequality as the greatest advantage.
Misiconi Dance Company stands for skilled integrated dance. Anyone who loves dance and talent should be given the chance to develop into this field. From the base, approachable and accessible, to excellent and professional. We see every day that with hard work a lot can be accomplished in a safe and familiar environment. More than most think.
Misiconi finds it important that the creativity and solution-orientation of dancers, teachers and choreographers is developed. We work from the capabilities and strengths of the individual. However they can always learn more and engage in dialogue with each other. Fixed patterns and processes can be broken. This also applies to the audience. Inclusive Dance forces the viewer to a different perspective on dance and body movement. The result is an extra layering in dance and a special added dimension. This inspires and enriches.
Contact details
Joop Oonk
Artistic Director, Founder
Sichting Misiconi
Dirk Hartoghstraat 67
1013 PD Amsterdam
we train in Rotterdam
Artistic Directors
Joop Oonk
Email: info@misiconidance.nl
Website: http://misiconidance.nl/?page_id=474&lang=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MisiconiDC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/misiconidancecompany/
Ode aan de Plastic Zak / ‘A tribute to the plastic bag’. 2015
Duration: 18 min
Description: In our performance the dancers and the animation representing plastic soup particles. In all of their varied, with all the colors and options. They need each other to be 'recycled'. Sometimes they float around and eventually come together again to form a new creation.
"Surprising simplicity and good teamwork make the show unique," Nienke Mak says after seeing “A tribute to the plastic bag.
"A tribute to the plastic bag’ is a dance performance developed by choreographer Joop Oonk in collaboration with first year students of the teacher training degree of Codarts Rotterdam and dancers Misiconi Dance Company. The music is especially for this evocation composed by Alex Severino, annd an animation of Sjuuls Oonk is part of the performance.
The dance performance is a tribute to one of the most important inventions of the last century with all its colors and dynamic capabilities. Plastic also gives substance to think. We can not live without. Sometimes plastic finds a new purpose and gets a new use as a raw material. How sustainable is it? What do we with the plastic soup, that gigantic vortex of plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean?
In our performance the dancers and the animation representing the plastic soup particles. In all of its divercity, with all the colors and options. They need each other to be 'recycled'. Sometimes they float around and eventually come together again to form a new creation.
People on road: performed with a group of 7 dancers. 1 tech
Freight: necessary
’Flirt Fantasies’ 2016
Duration: 6,30 min & 9 min & 20 min
Description: What do you think when you look at me?
Flirt Fantasies is about interpersonal relationships. About communication and interaction or lack of that. Alienation of yourself and others, especially when there is love in the air.
The first eye contact ... the first thought "What do you think When you look at me?”
Then the game of love starts with all its rules and restrictions. The game of finding freedom by overcoming uncertainty.
"I am a woman. I am more than my sexuality and gender ... ".
You want to convey, but you can not escape the question "What do you think When you look at me?”
The dancers of Misiconi Dance Company put not only themselves, but also the public at the trial. During the festival we will show a 9 minute extract. A compilation of the entire piece.
Music by Alex Severino.
Animation: Sjuuls Oonk
Choreography by Joop Oonk in collaboration with dancers.
Danced by Suzanne Lamers, Susanne van der Stake and Joop Oonk.
People on road: 3 dancers 1 tech
Freight: necessary
‘we aren’t extinct at all’ 2015/2016
Duration: 10 min
Description: We aren’t extict at all...' is a comical choreography about what will happen if the Discosaurs takes over the world. We are going back in time and show that old things are revived by just giving it some air and breath. The pieces was choreographed in collaboration with the dancers, and the Support workers, teacher of Indepen-Dance Glasgow. Don’t forget they still live among us…!
choreography: Joop Oonk
Extra information: Performed by Young ones Indepen-Dance
People on road: +/- 15 dancers
Freight: necessary
“Inclusive Dance is looking for new forms of movements that one does not know yet.” Rosanne Geerdes in “How inclusion dance promotes creative power?”
Latest Video
Flirt Fantasies 2
You will find further video clips from our productions on Youtube - Misiconi Dance channel.