Nataly Zukerman

A performer sitting in front of a black wall covered in white chalk writing.

A photograph of Nataly Zukerman depicting a performer sitting in the bottom right of the picture. She has blond hair and glasses. She is sitting in front of a black wall overed in white chalk writing.

Two performers on a stage sitting on a small red sofa.

A photograph of a performance by Nataly Zukerman depicting two performers to the right hand side of the stage sitting on a small red sofa. One of the performers is leaning to look over at a picture of two people kneeling down, which is being projected onto the back wall.

A performer lying on a black stage floor which is covered in chalk writing and pictures.

A photograph of a performance by Nataly Zukerman depicting a performer lying on a black stage floor which is covered in chalk writing and pictures.

A performer standing waving on a black stage floor which is covered in chalk writing and pictures.

A photograph of a performance by Nataly Zukerman depicting a performer standing waving on a black stage floor which is covered in chalk writing and pictures. The performer is wearing a black sleeveless dress, and holding a piece of paper in her left hand.

Four people wearing blue leotards; one is sitting on a bike.

A photograph of a performance by Nataly Zukerman depicting four people wearing blue leotards; one is sitting on a bike. A man and a woman are behind the bike and pushing it along.

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