Olivier Jamin
I am an award winning artist who has been involved in a number of successful projects. My aim is to produce work that combines the effect of colours and patterns, raising imagination and awareness.
Some of the hand drawn work uses different styles, for example pen dotting or ‘tricking the eye’ art so people can spend time looking at the artwork rather than a quick 5 second glance.
I deliver solo/joint workshops, tours and display art via exhibitions as well as displaying public arts, locally, nationally/internationally. Art influenced products such as calendars, trays, etc are sold online and in person. Artwork can be leased and displayed across various venues, or bought to own original artwork. I create uniquely commissioned artwork / canvas / fashion / public arts to meet the client’s specification for gifts, for the home, businesses, weddings, birthdays and many more.
I have been involved with a number of different public arts / exhibition / tour projects with Grand Central Birmingham, John Lewis Birmingham/Leeds, Highbury Hall Birmingham and displaying my digital arts via blowUP Media UK and Highcross Leicester’s ‘Beacon’. I deliver Deaf led BSL tours for MAC (Midlands Arts Centre) and RBSA Gallery in Birmingham.
Commissioned live art installation with public participation at Victoria Leeds provided by OJART and Sunny Digital Prints – an outstanding successful event. View my Instagram one minute video at – https://www.instagram.com/p/BtgOjyfHhZP/
Number of services I provided on the following list below:
- I provide Deaf led BSL tours for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing visitors
- Self facilitated or joint group (with Sunny Digital Prints) workshops
- OJART Lease Arts
- Solo or group exhibitions
- Commissioned work
- Public Arts
- Accessible service consultant
- British Sign Language (BSL) videos
You can view my other social media channels:
- www.facebook.com/OlivierJaminArtist/
- www.instagram.com/olivierjaminartist/
Contact details
Olivier Jamin
66 Durley Dean Road,
United Kingdom