People Dancing
People Dancing is the UK’s development organisation and membership body for those involved in creating opportunities for people to experience and participate in dance.
We believe dance can change lives and transform communities. Our vision is a world where dance is part of everyones life and our mission is to make dance important to all individuals, communities, and society by promoting excellent dance practice. We believe anyone can dance and that anyone should have the opportunity to do so. Diversity is at the heart of our work and our practice, and People Dancing works with and behalf of artists, organisations, teachers involved in leading, delivering or supporting community or participatory dance.
11 Million Reasosn to Dance is a photography exhibition of iconic moments in films that has been touring the UK and abroad since 2015. Part funded by Unlimited Impact and Arts Council England the work is available for hire in a physical and digital format.
Contact details
Louise Wildish
LCB Depot
31 Rutland Street
Artistic Directors
Louise Wildish
Twitter: @peopledancingUK
11 Million Reasons to Dance
Description: 11 Million Reasons to Dance is a photography exhibition with disabled dancers centre stage. The 20 high quality images are re-imagined by the dancers which depict iconic moments in film such as Dirty Dancing, The Red Shoes and Pulp Fiction. the images are both humerous and political in content and the aim of the exhibition is to support diversity programmes across the world, to create discussion and debate and challenge perceptions that can exist around disability and dance.
Extra information: The exhibition is available in physical and digital formats and supported with 22 audio description files and six short films focusing on disabled dancers and their stories. for more information including technical please contact
Freight: necessary
Freight details: Transportation of physical photographs would be necessary
Alongside the exhibition, People Dancing also has a range of development programmes including the 11 Million Reasons to Dance participatorary model whereby the exhibition is supported by CPD, organisational training, artists training, and an engagement programme. People Dancing also has a number of online learning programmes, a annual summer school and biannual International conference.
Latest Video
A short film that highlights the making of 11 Million Reasons, the People Dancing photography commission with Sean Goldthorpe.
The exhibition images are inspired by iconic moments of dance from well known films, re-imagined by Deaf and disabled people who dance.