
Performer in the centre of the scene, hands raised on her head. A group of people are sitting on chairs in the background.


A photograph from Dis_Sylphide by Per.Art depicting a performer in the centre of the scene, hands raised on her head. She is wearing a red satin dress. A group of people are sitting on chairs against a wall in the background. They all have their hands on their laps.

A single performer on the stage, her hands are making a gesture.


A photograph from Dis_Sylphide by Per.Art depicting a single performer on the stage, her hands are making a gesture. She is wearing a black dress.

Five male performers in a group, one is gesturing to another.


A photograph from Dis_Sylphide by Per.Art depicting five male performers in a group, one is gesturing to another. In the background is a white brick wall.

A group of performers dancing on a stage. One performer is standing with his arms and legs outstretched.

Little Party of Missed Dance

A photograph from Little Party of Missed Dance by Per.Art depicting a group of performers dancing on a stage. One performer is standing with his arms and legs outstretched. The stage is lit in orange.

Performers dance wildly on a stage

Little Party of Missed Dance

A photograph from Little Party of Missed Dance by Per.Art depicting a group of performers dancing wildly on a stage.

A singer on stage with three performers in the background.

Little Party of Missed Dance

A photograph from Little Party of Missed Dance by Per.Art depicting a singer on stage with three performers in the background.

Person sitting at a table, signing books from a large pile.

Sun upon Train Carriage

A photograph from Sun upon Train Carriage by Per.Art depicting a person sitting at a table, signing books from a large pile. To the bottom right of the picture is a mobile phone taking a picture of the scene.

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