
Man of short stature sitting on a woman who is lying over a bed.

Detail from The Nightmare (After Fuseli)
Tom Shakespeare

A photograph depicting a naked man of short stature sitting on a woman who is lying over a bed. The woman has her eyes closed and is wearing a white gown. The back of the set is a red curtain.

People walking around a white walled gallery

Shape Open 2014
[in]visible Private View

A photograph of people walking around a white walled gallery for a private view.

Person sat at a table wearing a breathing mask making a shoe.

Noemi Lakmaier
'The Observer Effect'

A photograph of person sat at a table wearing a breathing mask making a shoe. Behind are shelves covered in a range of bright blue footwear. In front of the table is a large pile of shoes and boots which are all brown, black, white.

A sculpture of a man sitting in an armchair.

James Lake
'Sitting without purpose'

A photograph of a lifelike sculpture made from cardboard of a man sitting in an armchair. Around the sculpture are blue chairs.

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