SZENE 2WEI understands contemporary dance theatre to be a medium and a motor for inclusive action. The ensemble works with mixed able artists, people from different cultures, and different professional dance backgrounds. company has evolved since 2009. The main focus is on the artistic work. SZENE 2WEI works towards individual strengths, picking up on potential, creating perspectives and ways of living, connecting and mediating. Networking establishes the basis for an approach focused on process. SZENE 2WEI recognizes dance as being not only a form of art, but also a medium of communication: as possibility to overcome the boundaries between people with different abilities in terms of motivity and ability to communicate.
By purposefully implementing bodily specificities as a medium in dance, SZENE 2WEI aims to achieve a change of perspective: properties that might have been perceived as an impairment now become exceptional skills that expand the radius of dance by their sheer variety. In harmony with the guiding principle of inclusion, SZENE 2WEI creates places of convergence in which people with disabilities can bring to light their creative and social potential and be perceived and valued by society.
Contact details
Industriehof. 6
77933 Lahr
Artistic Directors
William Sánchez H. & Timo Gmeiner
Duration: 60 min
Description: The first part of the KALA trilogy, the contemporary dance piece TARUN, engages with the concept of normality - and, in accordance with the name KALA (Sanskrit for time), it puts time at the center of its observation.
Normality is bound to paradoxes. It can preserve and hurt, it is protection and judge, incentive and constraint simultaneously - and though seemingly active, it nevertheless remains passive always: a neutral depiction of time, as defined by people and dependent on external circumstances.
To understand normality one has to understand people. The understanding of people is inextricably linked to the time in which they live. Social aspects, religions, traditions and politics influence us, our attitude towards ourselves, our understanding of the world – and it follows, our idea of normality.
TARUN is supported by:
Aktion Mensch, Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Culture office department of the city of Lahr, Association beWEGEnd and Zeit Geist Association.
Extra information: n/a
People on road: 13
Freight: baggage
Freight details: n/a
Workshops and Continuing education: They are performed as tandem constellations in an inclusive team. Teaming up with institutions, training centers and schools, SZENE 2WEI offer insights into their inclusive artistic work.
Panel discussions, publications, lectures and post show talks: in connection with festivals, institutions such a universities, schools, theaters and publishing companies.
Latest Video
Trailer for SZENE 2WEI's TARUN, the first of the KALA trilogy
Dance: Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky, Fuuko Shimazaki, Jörg Beese, Leonie Howar, Manuela Aranguibel Molano, Matthieu Bergmiller, Ricarda Noetzel, Timo Gmeiner
Music: Karl Degenhardt, Fabian Neubauer
Video & Photo: Paul Meuth
Costume: Liam Sanher & Anita Brütsch
Scenography: Anita Brütsch
Light: Natalie Stark
Assistant & Workshops: Micaela Kühn Jara
Press: Kristina van Kempen
Graphic design: Pavlina Boneva
Food & Nutrition:Laura Boccali
Stage Management:Mercè Mayor
Pedagogic & Artistic director: Timo Gmeiner
Choreographer & Artistic director: William Sánchez H.