A database of organisations and umbrella bodies linked to the work of disabled artists or containing useful information for promoters.
We are updating this global list and are eager to add new organisations. If you would like to be included, send us an email including your website address, a brief description of no more than 20 words and your logo as a square jpeg or PNG.
Changes the lives of disabled people by helping them to use digital technology at work, at home or in education.
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Accessible Arts
Provides opportunities for people with disability to participate in arts and cultural activities as audience members or participants and by developing professional artists.
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Act Too Online
Provides services for people with learning disabilities and home of The Baked Bean Theatre Company.
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Action Space
Supports the development of artists with learning disabilities in a professional studio environment and creating innovative projects for people with learning disabilities to engage with the visual arts.
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Apples and Snakes
Organisation for performance poetry, producing exciting and innovative participation and performance work in spoken word.
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Arts Access Australia
The peak national body for arts and disability in Australia. Working to increase opportunity and access for people with disability as artists, arts-workers, participants and audiences.
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Arts Disability Ireland
Resources for arts facilitators, venues, local authority offices, organisations and national cultural institutions seeking to include and engage people with disabilities in the arts at all levels.
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Arts Marketing Association
Provides a community of knowledge for arts professionals, passionate about bringing arts and audiences together.
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Arts Professional
Creates and curates the most relevant news and information for those with a professional interest in the arts sector.
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Arts and Disability Directory
Arts and disability directory and information for the island of Ireland.
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Their vision is to be an arts lab for the 21st century for the creation of performance, site-specific and interdisciplinary work, where the innovative, experimental and unusual are nurtured.
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Attitude is Everything
Improves Deaf and disabled people’s access to live music by working in partnership with audiences, artists and the music industry.
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BBC – My Web My way
Provides accessibility help, enabling computer users to make the most of the internet whatever their ability or disability.
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Bamboozle Theatre
Charity that uses the power of theatre to transform the lives of children with learning disabilities.
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Birds of Paradise Theatre Company
Creates entertaining, excellent and innovative theatre that promotes the work of deaf and disabled artists.
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Bitesize Theatre Company
Produces high quality, accessible shows for a schools audience with an annual programme of between ten and twelve productions.
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Candoco Dance Company
Contemporary dance company of disabled and non-disabled dancers which also provides learning and development projects and activities.
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Can-do Musos is a new global voice for musicians and bands who live with a disability. So far we have 109 Can-Do Musos listed on our website, from Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, USA and Venezuela. We are continually looking for musicians with a disability and a passion to add to our Can-do Musos family.
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Carousel develops and supports learning disability led arts, in film (Oska Bright Film Festival), music and performance, and welcomes international collaboration.
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Human rights organisation led by disabled people which employs people with learning disabilities to work for the human rights of all people with learning disabilities.
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Inclusive theatre company which creates theatre for all ages and runs outreach projects, education courses and membership programmes.
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Corali Dance Company
Explores the unique creativity and expression of people with learning disabilities through original performance works and on-going professional development, education and training opportunities.
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Culture Hive
Archive managed by the Arts Marketing Association for sharing best practice in cultural marketing, fundraising and management.
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Disability led charity which commissions new work by disabled visual artists as well as running workshops, mentoring and training for artists.
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Disability arts organisation based in Liverpool, delivering the Festival and other arts events promoting high quality disability and d/Deaf arts.
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Disability Arts Cymru
Creates more opportunities for and raises the profile of disabled and Deaf artists, as well as providing advice, consultancy services and training.
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Disability Arts Online
Sharing Disability Arts and Culture with the world. Disability Arts Online is a digital platform that promotes the work of disabled artists through critique and discussion. It also offers a sector-specific listings service.
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Disability News Service
News agency specialising in disability issues including discrimination, equality, independent living, benefits, poverty and human rights, as well as arts, culture and sport.
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Disability Now
Website for, about and by disabled people aiming to accurately reflect and present the lives, experiences, views, opinions and lifestyle choices of disabled people.
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Diverse City
Cultural entrepreneurs working for social change through the performing arts. Creating exceptional shows that profile the abilities of diverse groups.
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Diverse Futures
Launched by Diverse City to help Deaf and disabled people/young people who are interested in a career in the performing arts, but don’t know where to go for training.
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Drake Music
Breaking down disabling barriers to music through innovative approaches to learning, teaching and making music, connecting disabled and non-disabled people locally, nationally and internationally.
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A group of professional visually impaired artists, for the emergence of a new dynamic space, intended to redress our invisibility as artists and explore new creative territories.
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Face Front Inclusive Theatre
Creates original, ground-breaking inclusive theatre with a company of disabled and non-disabled artists.
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Offering comprehensive support, management and production services for any artist who experiences barriers in their practice, particularly disabled artists.
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Firebird Theatre
A company of sixteen disabled actors, making and performing theatre, planning and delivering workshops and supporting other disabled people to make theatre.
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Fittings Multimedia Arts
A disability led NPO with offices in Liverpool and Scotland who have been developing mixed media projects since 1995.
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Flip – disability equality in the arts
Supports organisations of all sizes to embed disability equality within the fabric of their working practice.
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Foundation for Community Dance
Professional organisation for anyone involved in creating opportunities for people to experience and participate in dance.
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Frontline Dance
Helps people of all ages and all abilities to experience the art of dance through participation and performance. Focuses on dance and disability but also provides access to art, media, music and drama.
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Full Circle Arts
A user led arts organisation committed to inclusive practice and offering accessible routes into the arts.
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Haringey Shed
Inclusive theatre and performing arts company for children and young people aged between 7-16 years old.
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Hazel Roy
International freelance theatre director, writer, actor and dance practitioner, who previously worked as an arts consultant and disability arts advisor.
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Heart n Soul
Award-winning creative arts company that provides creative spaces for disabled and non-disabled artists to develop and share their ideas.
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Hijinx Theatre
Training actors with learning disabilities to perform at a professional level via professional performance academies in Wales.
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International Guild of Artists and Performers (IGODAP)
Members are professional and amateur artists and performers of all genres working in the arts and entertainment industries who experience disabilities.
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Jo Verrent
Diversity trainer, consultant and project manager in the cultural sector. Senior Producer at Unlimited.
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Krazykat Theatre Company
Professional touring company, creating innovative and imaginative visual theatre, aimed towards young people and their grown-ups.
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Lawnmowers Independent Theatre Company
A unique company, run by and for people with learning disabilities, which has led workshops, researched, devised and toured work, and established an apprenticeship scheme.
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Lisa Simpson Inclusive Dance
Creates opportunities for disabled people with no, or limited verbal communication to choreograph; by teaching them how to use the Simpson Board.
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National Inclusive Dance Network
A network of organisations and individuals committed to inclusive practice, working to improve access to the dance sector and to support the development of integrated dance.
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Nolimits Theatre Company
Creates socially inclusive projects that enable young people, disabled people and community groups to be involved in innovative theatre.
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Web accessibility hub.
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Office for Disability Issues (ODI)
Supports the development of policies to remove inequality between disabled and non-disabled people. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions.
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Oily Cart
Helping children and young people with learning disabilities to participate in theatre.
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Open Theatre Company
Engages young people with learning disabilities in theatre, to develop and enhance their creative and life skills.
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Orpheus Centre
Provides supported housing and a diverse curriculum of performing arts, independence, functional and life skills to over 40 young disabled adults every year.
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An award-winning team of disabled journalists lift the lid on issues about being disabled that are not widely talked about, in blog posts and a monthly internet radio talk show.
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SeatPlan.com offers detailed seating and accessibility guides for theatres in London. Users can navigate through interactive seating plans to find out how to get the best views at each venue.
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See A Voice
Supporting theatres to set up captioned and audio described performances.
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Seeing Beyond Theatre
Creates unique and exciting multi-sensory performance for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and complex needs.
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Develops opportunities for disabled artists, trains cultural institutions to be more open to disabled people, and runs participatory arts and development programmes. Shape is a key partner in Unlimited.
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So What is Normal?
Educational resource, offering diverse examples and different voices to offer an alternative perspective on disability and architecture.
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Promoting BSL interpreted performances of mainstream theatre.
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Stage text
Provides captioning and live speech-to-text services in theatres, museums, galleries and other arts and cultural venues.
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UK Disabled People’s Council (UKDPC)
National umbrella organisation of disabled people, run and controlled by, and representing the voices of disabled people in the UK.
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UN Enable
Provides public information on topics related to disability and the work of the United Nations for persons with disabilities.
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Shape and Artsadmin have been awarded £1.5 million by Arts Council England to deliver a new three-year programme of Unlimited commissions with Jo Verrent as Senior Producer.
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Vocal eyes
Supporting theatre, museum, galleries and historical architectures to set up audio description for visually impaired people.
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Empowering organisations to make their web content accessible to people with disabilities.
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Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Strategies, guidelines and resources to make the web accessible to people with disabilities.
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Zinc Arts
Arts and education charity that specialises in working with children, young people and adults who are disabled, learning disabled or mental health service users.
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eAccessibility Network focusing on web accessibility.
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