Date: May 14, 2024 - April 14, 2024
Location: Sweden

- Swedish Sign Language translations
About the conference
A day of professional development within the field of accessibility and inclusive practice in Sweden. The conference is organised by Danssamverkan Sydsverige, which is a collaborative group of swedish performing arts institutions working to develop various aspects within production and development within the field.
The conference program will through experts in the field help you to dismantle limiting barriers, increase knowledge, develop methods and increase opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in the cultural sectors as audience as well as artists and artistic creators.
Conference Program
11 o’clock
Welcome Danssamverkan Sydsverige inaugurates the conference.
From Darkness to Success with Fatmir Seremeti
Welcoming, service and accessibility. Unconditional hosting. A lecture in spoken Swedish.
12.15 – 13.15
Time to Act and Learning Journeys with Filip Pawlak.
Presentation of the learning journeys and research reports Time to Act authored by On the Move, commissioned by British Council, within the context of Europe Beyond Access. A lecture in spoken English.
Accessible production process with Caroline Bowditch.
A lecture in spoken English.
15 – 15.30
Coffee break
Panel discussion: practical tips and advice on accessibility with Lina Nyberg, Mask Designer, Kulturhuset Spira- Smålands Musik och Teater about working with Freja Musikteater.
Jan Hansen, Producer, ShareMusic & Performing Arts about “Access riders”.
Kit Brown, Dancer, Skånes Dansteater about the “Quick Trust” method.
Marie Norrthon, Project Manager, Skånes Dansteater about “Relaxed Performances”.
Moderator: Sandra Johansson, Managing Director, Moomsteatern.
16.45 – 17
Finishing notes.