Artistas Diversos
Artistas Diversos is an NGO that produces and exhibits the work of disabled artists covering all types of artistic expression, from all over the world – free of charge for the artist.
The organisation also features the “story of the artists with the art”, his/her message, together with the authorization to exhibit their work in all presence and virtual media. The objective is to foster social and professional inclusion of disabled persons featuring their talent in the arts.
The platform also has spaces for activities carried out by other foundations, associations and organizations with which we share aims and commitments. Space for research and news to update visitors in opportunities and events that they may be interested in participating. It announces the activities Artistas Diversos launch to promote the talent of artists present in the platform.
Contact details
Myrtha Casanova
Ave Virgen de Montserrat, 42
Sant Andreu de Llavaneres
08392 Barcelona - SPAIN
Artistic Directors
Oscar Fernandez
Twitter: @ArtistasDiverso
Description: The +ARTE project is being launched to offer companies the opportunity of decorating offices with paintings, photographs and sculptures by disabled artists.
Artistas Diversos have created alliances with insurance companies to develop and offer life, health and accident insurance for parents of disabled persons, for their disabled beneficiaries to receive a pension for life in case of death.
Fair of Disability and Employment
Description: The Fair will take place on June 20th and 21st 2016 at the Hotel Juan Carlos I. Diverse Artists take care of setting u a painting exhibit in the upfront of the Fair to clearly send the message that disability does not disables the person totally. On the contrary, exceptional talents can be developed inspire of limited mobility or mental disorders.
Set up by DiscCap a Vitual employment platform. The Fair will include stands from employment organizations and foundations that care for disabled persons employability; companies that look to hire employees with disability in their organizations. Attending the Fair are generally 3,500 visitors – persons with disability looking for job opportunities, their families and friends. Supplier of the sector. Experts and public in general.
Extra information: Costs of transport of the paintings to the Fair and back – 200€ Costs of printed matter and roll-up – 675€
Personnel to show the exhibit to visitors and to be present during the 2 days - volunteers
II ProvArt Contest
Description: A contest to award pictorial art inspired in nature and beauty. There are 5 winners, whose work will decorate the corporate offices of sponsors Provital Group. The Employees participate in making the first selection of the work received (179 in the first contest) to select the final 25 paintings.
A jury finally selects the 5 winners who are awarded prices starting at 1.000€ to 200€. This year there will be an exposition at the City Council coinciding with the event award act. The Exhibit will last for a week and inclusive art work groups will take place where the artists will show the people inscribing to the workshops, painting techniques.
Extra information: Project calendar and costs
Contest design – March / April - free of cost
Dissemination in social media and mailings to attract paintings - May / June / July - 680€ to include diptic project bases and dissemination
Reception of art work and organization of pre- selection by employees - Cost covered by the contest Sponsor
Jury to select the 5 works to be awarded - volunteer participation in Jury
Exhibit and ceremony award – covered by the City Council
Awards covered by Sponsor – 2.000€
Paints in exhibit will be offered for sale
Transport costs coverd by the artists .
Art Workshops during the exhbit - 1.300€ honoraries for professional monitors
La Fiesta de la Musica
Description: A music concert where professional musicians play together with disabled musicians sharing the program and the scenario. An inclusive musical concert which will take place in Luz de Gas ( Barcelona) September 28th, 2016
Extra information: Cost of the venue (with in-kind funding from Luz de Gas we only pay the technicians) 350€
Cost of printed program and tickets 470€
Honorariums to artists participating the in concert 2.000€
Cost of selling tickets through platforms 5% of tickets sold
Personnel to look after the visitors at the event - all essential information e.g. site specific / scale of work and audience.
Artistas Diversos develops activities to open professional opportunities for disabled artists, such as: auctions, exhibits, fairs, festivals, publishing, contests, awards, offering art for office decoration, diversity awareness forums, seminars.
Artistas Diversos establishes agreements with associations that give support to specific disabled groups to give visibility to the talent of their artists. And we establish alliances with companies to promote business opportunities to diverse artists.
Latest Video
Video of Artistas Diversos’ projects presented by Mario Barguño.